Lesson Plan > Lesson 07 > Mathematics
Elementary Level: Place Value (Tens and Ones)
Mid Level: Addition and Subtraction of Large Numbers
High Level: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Elementary Level (Kinder to Grade 2)
Subject: Place Value (Tens and Ones)
Alignment with Standards:
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.NBT.B.2: Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.
- Addressed through building, drawing, and matching numbers as tens and ones.
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.NBT.B.2.A: 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones — called a “ten.”
- Addressed through the use of base-ten blocks.
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.NBT.B.2.B: The numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones.
- Addressed through activities focusing on numbers 10-20.
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.NBT.B.2.C: The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones).
- Extended understanding of place value beyond 20 can be introduced if the student is ready.
1-1.5 hours (can be split into shorter sessions)
By the end of this lesson, children will be able to understand the concept of place value for numbers up to 20, using tens and ones through hands-on activities and games.
Materials Needed:
- Base-ten blocks: For representing tens and ones.
- Place value mats: To organize tens and ones (can be drawn on paper).
- Number cards: Cards with numbers 10-20.
- Drawing materials: Paper, markers, or crayons for drawing numbers as tens and ones.
- Place value matching game: Cards with numbers and their tens/ones representations.
- Whiteboard or chart paper: For modeling and practice.
Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction (10-15 minutes)
- Begin by explaining that numbers are made up of digits, and each digit has a place value.
- Introduce the concept of tens and ones:
- Tens: Groups of ten.
- Ones: Single units.
- Use base-ten blocks to show examples:
- For example, the number 13 has 1 ten and 3 ones.
- Write numbers 10-20 on the board and model how to break them into tens and ones.
2. Activity 1: Building Numbers with Base-Ten Blocks (20-30 minutes)
- Provide the child with base-ten blocks and a place value mat.
- Call out a number (e.g., 14) and have the child build it using tens and ones blocks.
- Ask: “How many tens are in this number? How many ones?”
- Repeat with several numbers up to 20.
3. Activity 2: Drawing Numbers as Tens and Ones (20-30 minutes)
- Give the child paper and markers/crayons.
- Ask them to draw numbers as tens and ones. For example:
- For 17, they could draw 1 ten (a rectangle or stick) and 7 ones (circles or dots).
- Encourage them to label their drawings (e.g., “1 ten + 7 ones = 17”).
4. Activity 3: Place Value Matching Game (20-30 minutes)
- Create or use pre-made cards for a matching game:
- One set of cards has numbers (e.g., 12, 15, 19).
- The other set has the corresponding tens and ones representations (e.g., 1 ten + 2 ones).
- Have the child match the number cards to their tens and ones representations.
- For added challenge, time the child or have them race against a sibling or parent.
5. Assessment (Optional)
- Provide a worksheet or activity where the child:
- Writes the number of tens and ones for given numbers (e.g., 16 = ___ tens + ___ ones).
- Draws tens and ones for a given number.
- Matches numbers to their tens and ones representations.
Extension Ideas:
- Number Hunt: Have the child find objects around the house (e.g., 14 pencils) and group them into tens and ones.
- Place Value Bingo: Create a bingo game where the child matches numbers to their tens and ones representations.
- Interactive Games: Use online place value games or apps to reinforce the concept.
Mid Level (Grade 3 to 5)
Subject: Addition and Subtraction of Large Numbers
Alignment with Standards:
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NBT.B.4: Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
- Addressed through solving addition and subtraction problems with regrouping.
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.A.3: Solve multi-step word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations.
- Addressed through solving multi-step word problems.
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NBT.A.1: Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right.
- Addressed through the use of place value and regrouping.
1.5-2 hours (can be split into shorter sessions)
Children will solve addition and subtraction problems with regrouping, including multi-step problems, through interactive exercises and practice.
Materials Needed:
- Whiteboard or chart paper: For modeling problems.
- Base-ten blocks or place value disks: For hands-on regrouping practice.
- Worksheets: Addition and subtraction problems with regrouping.
- Number cards: For creating multi-digit numbers.
- Interactive tools: Online math games or apps for practice (optional).
- Pencils, erasers, and paper: For solving problems.
Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction (10-15 minutes)
- Begin by reviewing the concept of place value (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands).
- Explain that when adding or subtracting large numbers, we sometimes need to regroup (borrow or carry over).
- Use base-ten blocks or place value disks to demonstrate regrouping:
- For example, show how 10 ones can be regrouped into 1 ten, or 10 tens into 1 hundred.
- Write a simple addition and subtraction problem on the board (e.g., 456 + 278 or 723 – 486) and solve it step-by-step, emphasizing regrouping.
2. Activity 1: Hands-On Regrouping Practice (20-30 minutes)
- Provide the student with base-ten blocks or place value disks.
- Give them a problem to solve (e.g., 548 + 376 or 832 – 459).
- Have them use the blocks/disks to model the problem and regroup as needed.
- Ask: “Why did you need to regroup? How did regrouping help you solve the problem?”
3. Activity 2: Solving Multi-Step Problems (30-40 minutes)
- Write multi-step word problems on the board or provide a worksheet. For example:
- “Sarah has 548 stickers. She buys 276 more. Then she gives 189 stickers to her friend. How many stickers does Sarah have now?”
- Guide the student through solving the problem step-by-step:
- Add 548 + 276.
- Subtract 189 from the result.
- Encourage the student to check their work by solving the problem in reverse or using estimation.
4. Activity 3: Interactive Exercises (20-30 minutes)
- Use online math games or apps that focus on addition and subtraction with regrouping.
- Alternatively, create a “math scavenger hunt” by hiding number cards around the room. The student must find the cards, create multi-digit numbers, and solve addition or subtraction problems with regrouping.
5. Assessment (Optional)
- Provide a worksheet or quiz with a mix of addition and subtraction problems, including multi-step word problems.
- Alternatively, have the student create their own multi-step word problem and solve it.
Extension Ideas:
- Real-World Application: Have the student solve problems related to real-life scenarios, such as budgeting or measuring distances.
- Timed Challenges: Set a timer and see how many problems the student can solve correctly in a set amount of time.
- Peer Teaching: Have the student teach the concept of regrouping to a sibling or parent.
High Level (Grade 6 to 8)
Subject: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Alignment with Standards:
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.2: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide rational numbers.
- Addressed through multiplying and dividing integers.
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.2.A: Understand that multiplication is extended from fractions to rational numbers by requiring that operations continue to satisfy the properties of operations, particularly the distributive property, leading to products such as (-1)(-1) = 1 and the rules for multiplying signed numbers.
- Addressed through the rules for multiplying and dividing integers.
- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.3: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers.
- Addressed through real-world examples and scenarios.
1.5-2 hours (can be split into shorter sessions)
Children will apply the rules for multiplying and dividing integers through integer grid puzzles and real-world examples.
Materials Needed:
- Whiteboard or chart paper: For modeling problems and rules.
- Integer grid puzzles: Pre-made or create your own (e.g., a grid where rows and columns multiply/divide to a given integer).
- Number cards: Positive and negative integers for hands-on practice.
- Worksheets: Multiplying and dividing integer problems.
- Real-world examples: Scenarios involving temperature, debt, or elevation changes.
- Interactive tools: Online integer games or apps (optional).
- Pencils, erasers, and paper: For solving problems.
Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction (10-15 minutes)
- Begin by reviewing the concept of integers (positive and negative whole numbers, including zero).
- Introduce the rules for multiplying and dividing integers:
- Positive × Positive = Positive
- Positive × Negative = Negative
- Negative × Positive = Negative
- Negative × Negative = Positive
- The same rules apply to division.
- Write examples on the board and solve them step-by-step (e.g., 3 × (-4) = -12; (-6) ÷ (-2) = 3).
2. Activity 1: Integer Grid Puzzles (30-40 minutes)
- Provide the child with an integer grid puzzle. For example:
- A 3×3 grid where the product of each row and column is given.
- The child must fill in the missing integers using the rules of multiplying and dividing integers.
- Alternatively, create a puzzle where the child solves multiplication and division problems to uncover a hidden picture or message.
- Encourage the child to explain their reasoning as they solve the puzzle.
3. Activity 2: Real-World Examples (30-40 minutes)
- Present real-world scenarios that involve multiplying and dividing integers. For example:
- Temperature Change: If the temperature drops by 3°C each hour for 4 hours, what is the total change in temperature?
- Debt: If you owe $5 to each of 3 friends, what is your total debt?
- Elevation: A submarine descends 10 meters every minute. How far has it descended after 6 minutes?
- Have the child write and solve the problems using integers.
- Discuss how the rules for multiplying and dividing integers apply to each scenario.
4. Activity 3: Interactive Exercises (20-30 minutes)
- Use online integer games or apps that focus on multiplying and dividing integers.
- Alternatively, create a “math relay” where the student solves a series of integer problems to advance through a course or complete a challenge.
5. Assessment (Optional)
- Provide a worksheet or quiz with a mix of multiplying and dividing integer problems, including real-world scenarios.
- Alternatively, have the child create their own real-world problem involving integers and solve it.
Extension Ideas:
- Integer War: Play a card game where the child draws two cards (positive or negative integers) and multiplies or divides them. The player with the highest absolute value wins the round.
- Integer Art: Have the child create a piece of art using a coordinate grid, where the coordinates are determined by solving integer multiplication and division problems.
- Research Project: Have the child research how integers are used in real-world fields such as finance, science, or engineering.