6 Reasons Why Students Lose Interest in Studying

A teen boy having hard time focus on studying

6 Reasons Why Students Lose Interest in Studying

Studying helps every individual enhance their knowledge through observing and reading. Studying requires understanding and focus. Parents send their kids to school when they came to the right age. Every individual needs to implement school for better learning. Some students love to go to school because they want to achieve their dreams, while some don’t.

Here are 6 Reasons Why Students Lose Interest in Studying and what we as parents or teachers can do about it.

Reason #1: Lack of Bonds

Some kids grow without any siblings, that’s why there are kids that love to be alone than to interact with other people. Some kids are having a problem going to school because they lack self-confidence. Starting from the first day of school, students need to interact with their classmates and make friends.

Friends and classmates are a big help in studying by sharing each other ideas on a certain topic or subject.

Most students are having difficulties in school especially when they study alone. Sometimes when a student doesn’t have anyone to ask for help in terms of studying, they start to get tired and lose interest in studying.

Remedy: Help your child to make friends who are at the same age.

Do you have a neighbor who happens to have the same age as your child? Then, how about grouping them together and letting them play as well as study together. If they go to the same school, that would be even better which help them make more friends. Once your child starts having fun with them, they will naturally do homework or study together too.

Reason #2: Procrastination

Does your child tend to put things off till the last minute? It is very common and when the child gets more pressure and stress towards the deadline, he tends to avoid the pressure and just give up at the end or quickly do at the end which usually ends poor outcome and lose interest in studying.

Remedy: Choose When and How Long

When doing study or homework daily at least 20~30 mins a day, it will make a big positive difference and makes study or homework less frustrating and even starting to enjoy doing it. The key is building study routines to make steady progress on your child’s obligations without expending too much of his limited motivational resources.

Ask your child if they prefer doing homework right after school or after dinner and let him decide which would be the best time for him. The important thing is to stick to the time of study at least a month so it becomes a habit and he does it without much motivational effort. This will make a big impact on his school score and he will start to enjoy doing more and more to excel at it.

Reason #3: Vices

Most students enjoy their weekends with their friends and love ones, but some students spend their weekends with their hobbies and having fun. Some students enjoy their hobbies so much that turn their hobbies into vices. Playing computer games is a common vice for students nowadays. Students are influenced by their classmates or friends to play computer games and skip classes, and the more they enjoy what they’re doing, the more they lose interest in going to school.

Remedy: Isolated Locations

Identify isolated study spots for study. If your child has a computer or laptop in his room that keeps stealing his attention then it is not an ideal study spot. If you have a small corner or another room other than his own that is relatively quiet can be a potential concentration gold mine.

Many children will admit that there is something a bit dramatic about working in exaggerated isolation. It may sound corny, but quarantining oneself in a dedicated study place seems to increase the importance of the work your child is about to tackle. Your child can almost imagine the voice of his favorite superhero saying, “We are all counting on you. Good luck.”  

Remember, studying in bed or game room have never worked.”

Reason #4: Passive Learning Style

Many children found themselves that one-way passive learning or merely learning from textbooks are so boring and hard to concentrate on.

It is hard to blame them because who likes reading textbooks?

And, studying via one way by listening and watching a teacher explaining is not really interactive. This is especially true when children are at a young age. At an early age, children are very active, and hard to sit still and focus on learning.

Remedy: Active Learning using hands-on tools

One of the most effective ways to overcome is to use hands-on manipulative or open-ended educational wooden toys.

When the tool is open-ended, there is so much potential and it can be used pretty much any subject or topic and they are a great way to keep a child engaged and learn core concepts while playing with them.

This is why Montessori learning uses specific hands-on manipulative when Montessori teachers educate children so learning can be interactive and make the whole learning experience memorable. 

Just make sure that the tool is open-ended with many different shapes and sizes so it can be used in various ways and is made of natural materials such as solid wood.

Reason #5: Too Easy or Too Difficult

Is your child gifted or falls behind the average of your child’s age? It is often that gifted child finds what he is learning at school boring them because it is too easy. On the other hand, when your child falls behind the rest of the classroom then it will also make him lose interest in the study because they found it is too difficult and could not understand what the classroom is learning.

Remedy: Consult with Teacher

A teacher is usually dealing with 20~40 children in a classroom so it is hard to focus on every child and may not notice your child lost interest in studying and dislike going to school.

If your child is gifted, then you can ask the school if they have a gifted children program or ask your child to attend higher class so it keeps interested in studying in his classroom.

If your child is falling behind the rest of his classmates then, you can offer extra help at home or have some private tutoring on those subjects so they keep up with the rest of the classroom and be able to restart enjoy studying with classmates again.

Reason #6: Bullying

There are lots of cases of bullying nowadays and the type of bullying is now much complex than it used to be such as online harassment and cyberbullying.

Bullying is a type of bad manner that is harmful and intentional. It affects physical and mental development and loses someone’s self-confidence. Examples of physical bullying are kicking, punching, slapping, and anything that can hurt a person. There are also types of mental bullying like insulting, teasing, or saying bad things to others. Bullying usually occurs in school.

Does your child’s school score has suddenly dropped badly? Then, this is the sign that Bullying may cause your child to dislike school and lose interest in studying after all.

Students that experienced bullying feels more miserable and tend not to go to school because of that experience. The trauma that bullying can bring to a child can be a big threat; they might suffer from that trauma which can lead to depression. There are worst cases that have been reported such as attempting suicide because of bullying.

Remedy: Open Talk

It may seem scary for your child to tell his parent what’s happening at school especially it is related to Bullying because it feels like snitching.

However, it will not only get your child help, it will make your child feel less afraid. If your child is being physically bullied and is in danger, your child must speak with a trusted adult (most likely parent) immediately.

To help him to talk openly, it is best to communicate often or even play together to ease his mood and ask how school is going and casually ask more questions so it makes him ease to open up.

Once your child opened up and talks about bullying, keep it casual and ask him exactly what happened, who did the bullying, where and when it happened, how long it’s been happening, and how it’s making him feel.

Then, consult with the school teacher immediately so it can be stopped and be dealt with it as early as possible.

Most school teachers really care about bullying and will do everything they can to help your child.

After all, it is one of the parents’ duties to support their children and help them with their tasks in school, in that way children will not have a hard time studying and makes them motivated.

Comments (2)

  • khadija Reply

    i only want to say that teachers sometimes do favour of some students which also loses our confidence..

    December 28, 2013 at 1:47 pm
  • Praveen Kotani Reply

    The education system should b changed….In my school studying means just byhearting the question and answers…the teachers don’t even know the subject… Because of low fee many people join their children in this type of school

    March 17, 2016 at 12:03 pm


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